
東ユーラシア研究プロジェクト東北大学拠点2023年度第8回研究会8Th Seminar of East Eurasian Studies Project in Tohoku University 2023

8Th Seminar of East Eurasian Studies Project in Tohoku University 2023

Date: 17:00-18:20,March 21, 2024
Venue: CNEAS 430 Room 東北大学東北アジア研究センター430室

現在東北大学東北アジア研究センター客員教授のドナタス・ブランディシャウスカス先生を講師にまねいて、「Agreements with bears: Evenki reindeer herders and taiga conviviality」と題する講演をいただきます。シベリア・エヴェンキの調査にもとづき、トナカイ牧民とクマの関係について、マルチスピーチース人類学の観点からの内容になる予定です。どなたでも参加できますので会場あるいはオンラインで参加ください。

Agreements with bears: Evenki reindeer herders and taiga conviviality

Donatas Brandisauskas, Professor, University of Vilnius (Lithuania) and Visiting Professor of Tohoku University

In my presentation I will show how nomadic Evenki reindeer herders and hunters create and maintain their mutual interpersonal relations with bears in taiga environments. While, most of the ethnographic literature assert the role and importance of bears in Evenki cosmologies, I aim to elaborate how Evenki interact with bears as diverse individuals that have specific personal characteristics and social abilities. I will show how humans and bears align their lives sharing their living environments and resources based on their experiences of mutual communications, reading intentions, spatial respect and face to face interactions. This taiga conviviality between the social bear and indigenous herders also relies on established relatedness, trust and partnership that is referred as agreement by Evenki or “commonwealth” (see Shirokogoroff 1935). At the same time, such relation shows how ethics of taiga conviviality also preconditions maintenance of certain balance, when less cooperative and dangerous beings are to be eliminated for opening potentialities for other more social relations.

主催 人間文化研究機構グローバル地域研究事業東ユーラシア研究プロジェクト東北大学拠点

連絡先 高倉浩樹 hiroki.takakura(at) tohoku.ac.jp