東北大学 東北アジア研究センター

日本語 English



CNEAS Anthropology Seminar





日時 2024年6月18日 16時から18時(映画80分+講義と議論30分程)


場所:東北大学東北アジア研究センター 会議室

(東北大学川内北キャンパス川北合同研究棟 430室)


1 映画上映 Five Lives (75分、言語:ロシア語、英語字幕)

Annotation: Viktor Valerievich Mumichotkak nicknamed Mucha, Chukcha from Novoe Chaplino (Chukotka, Russia) died tragically in 2012. Someone stabbed him and cut off his fingers. When young Alle Ukuma's son was born in 2014, her mother told her: "Last night I dreamed of Mucha, he came back in your boy, we will call him Viktor". According to locals, the deceased can return to life up to five times. The film essay about life, death and a possible return prompts a generally valid question: How can one learn to accept one's finitude?

Logline: Death is the end. But I can't see it from here.


2 講演

Multiple Personhoods. About the Phenomenon of “Return” and the Possibilities of Visual Research

The study focuses on the multi-layered personhoods of Yupik and Chukchi. Multiple affiliations are explored through the phenomenon of “return”. According to the traditional belief system, a deceased person can return to the realm of life five times. Such return is indicated through the naming. The names place several individuals in close social associations that form a kinship system parallel to the primary one based on the locus. Sovietization defined additional methods of identification and naming. Moreover, many out-of-wedlock pregnancies in recent decades have shifted the determining role in the formation of the offspring's identity to the mother's family. The mechanisms underlying local identity need our attention because they can shed light on the underlying mechanisms of solidarity and the strategies for adaptation and survival. The question is how visual research can enhance understanding of the complex phenomenon of return. Are there any visual means that complement the naming system? What role do photographs play in the belief in return? How can be the findings on return visualized? In the presentation, a few approaches will be offered.




PANÁKOVÁ Jaroslava

Senior scholar at the Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology, Slovak Academy of Sciences,

Visiting Associate Professor at the Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University




東北大学東北アジア研究センター ロシア・シベリア研究分野

共催 日本文化人類学会東北地区研究懇談会、ArCSII社会文化課題

 案内チラシ(PDFファイル: 1100 KB) 
 研究会報告(PDFファイル: 1600 KB)