Date: 20 February, 2018, 10:00-17:40
Place: Kawauchi Research Forum 4F,
Conference room Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University
Jointly organized by
Office of Japan-Russia Relations, TU.
Center for Northeast Asian Studies, TU.
Graduate School of Arts and Letters, TU.
Graduate School of International Cultural Studies, TU.
Institute of Humanities, Novosibirsk State University
Opening remarks: TAKAKURA Hiroki (10:00)
Opening remarks: ZUEV Andrew (10:05)
Lecture 1: M. I. EPOV, A. P. FIRSOV, I. N. ZLIGOSTEV (10:10-11:50)
Humanitarian Aspects of the Application of Geophysical Methods within Environmental Studies: Based on Materials from Siberia
Lecture 2: VOYTISHEK Elena (Prof., Institute of Humanities, NSU) (11:00-11:40)
The Politics and Art of Incense: Daimyo Date Masamune and Japanese Traditional Culture.
Lecture 3: ZUEV Andrew (Director. Institute of Humanities, NSU) (13:00-13:40)
The Legitimization of Russian Monarch’s Power over Siberian Peoples in the End of XVI – Beginning of XVIII Centuries
Lecture 4: NAITO Hiroko (Center for Northeast Asian Studies, TU.) (13:40-14:20)
“Rule of Law” in Authoritarianism: the Chinese Communist Party’s Leadership and the Revision of the Environmental Protection Law in China
SHABANOV Dmitry (Institute of Humanities, NSU) (14:20-15:00)
Zheng He’s Treasure Fleet Withdrawal in Non-Capitalist Economy Perspective
SAITO Mutsuki (Grad. Sch. of Environmental Studies, TU.) (15:15-15:35)
An Anthropological Study of ‘Animal Slaughtering’: Focusing on the Slaughtering of Reindeers among the Koryak
BORISOV Dmitriy (Institute of Humanities, NSU) (15:35-15:55)
The Transitional Nature of Cao Cao’s Appointments of the Provincial Officials in the Later Han Period: A Case Study Based on the 1st Chapter of the Sanguozhi
KUMAGAI Ryosuke (Grad. Sch. of Arts and Letters, TU.) (15:55-16:15)
Comparative Study of the “Tanged Points” in Korea and Japan
RECHKALOVA Anastasia (Institute of Humanities, NSU) (16:15-16:35)
Chrysanthemum Seal (菊紋 Kikumon): Perception of the Historical Symbol
FUKUNAGA Haruka (Grad. Sch. of Arts and Letters, TU.) (16:35-16:55)
Three Short Stories of Mu Shiying: Shanghai in the Experimental Literature of the 1930s
WU Xiaotong (Grad. Sch. of International Cultural Studies, TU.) (16:55-17:15)
Successor Newspapers of the CHENBAO(晨報)and Chinese politics after 1928
ZHANG Xiaorong (Center for Northeast Asian Studies, TU.) (17:15-17:35)
Mongolian Secondary School Education in Eastern Inner Mongolia during the Manzhouguo Period —Case Study of KingGan College-Closing Remarks: OKA Hiroki (17:35)