
タイトル | 東北アジアの自然と文化 2 |
編者 | 佐野 勝宏・後藤 章夫 |
定価 | 定価2500円(税別)東北アジア学術読本9 |
四六判 | |
ISBN978-4-86163-373-7 C3300 | |
198頁 | |
(2023年1月20日刊行) |
本書は2018年3月に発行された「東北アジア学術読本 7 『東北アジアの自然と文化』」の続編で、東北アジア学術交流懇話会が刊行する『うしとら』に掲載された記事のうち、『東北アジアの自然と文化』に未収録だったものから厳選して編集された。I. 自然と環境、II. 社会・経済・政治、III. 歴史・言語・文化、IV. 史料調査の4章からなり、コラムも含め計36編の記事を収録する。最も古い記事は1999年の『うしとら』第2号に掲載されたもので、最も新しい記事は2020年の最終号(79・80合併号)に掲載されたものである。すなわち、本書には20年以上に渡る懇話会会員の研究活動が記されている。東北アジアを舞台とした多様な研究を手軽に知ることのできる一冊となっている。
⇒ 東北大学出版会HP
⇒ 東北大学出版会HP
Nature and Culture in the Northeast Asia 2
Katsuhiro SANO, Akio GOTO, eds.
Katsuhiro SANO, Akio GOTO, eds.
This book is a sequel of the CNEAS Book 7 “Nature and Culture in the Northeast Asia” published in March 2018, comprising selected articles from Newsletter “Ushitora” by The Association for Northeast Asian Studies. The fruitful articles reflect activities by members of the association for over 20 years and provide us an overview on diverse studies in Northeast Asian.

タイトル | 古文書がつなぐ人と地域 ―これからの歴史資料保全活動― |
編者 | 荒武 賢一朗・高橋陽一 |
定価 | 定価2500円(税別)東北アジア学術読本8 |
四六判 | |
ISBN978-4-86163-333-1 C3321 | |
178頁 | |
(2019年9月26日刊行) |
⇒ 東北大学出版会HP
People and areas connected by ancient documents: Future of history data preservation acitivities
Aratake Kenichiro, Takahashi Yohichi, eds.
The safeguarding of historical resources has become an increasingly important task amid the challenges of today. These challenges include social issues such as the falling birthrate, the graying population, and depopulation. They also include the threat of natural disasters across Japan. Measures to safeguard local historical heritage have been undertaken by specialist researchers as well as by other actors such as archive owners, local residents, and local governments. In this paper, I trace the safeguarding efforts undertaken in Japan’s Tohoku region and discuss ways to shift from safeguarding to using local historical resources. This research reveals lessons from history in relation to the following focal themes: inheritance from predecessors and the psychology of archive owners, the struggles of local government employees, and the renewed efforts of people who strive to communicate research outcomes to the public.
⇒ 東北大学出版会HP
People and areas connected by ancient documents: Future of history data preservation acitivities
Aratake Kenichiro, Takahashi Yohichi, eds.
The safeguarding of historical resources has become an increasingly important task amid the challenges of today. These challenges include social issues such as the falling birthrate, the graying population, and depopulation. They also include the threat of natural disasters across Japan. Measures to safeguard local historical heritage have been undertaken by specialist researchers as well as by other actors such as archive owners, local residents, and local governments. In this paper, I trace the safeguarding efforts undertaken in Japan’s Tohoku region and discuss ways to shift from safeguarding to using local historical resources. This research reveals lessons from history in relation to the following focal themes: inheritance from predecessors and the psychology of archive owners, the struggles of local government employees, and the renewed efforts of people who strive to communicate research outcomes to the public.

タイトル | 東北アジアの自然と文化 |
編者 | 塩谷昌史・後藤章夫 |
定価 | 定価2,500円(税別)東北アジア研究読本7 |
四六判 | |
ISBN978-4-86163-295-2 | |
192頁 | |
(2018年3月28日刊行) |
東北大学・東北アジア研究センターは、1996年に設立された。研究対象地域は、 東北アジア地域である。文系と理系が相互の強みを活かす形で、東北アジア地域 を学際的に研究することが、本センターの目的である。 本センターは、2015年 に20周年を迎えた。本書は、本センターの20周年記念事業の一環として企画され た。この読本は、既に刊行された「ニューズレター」と「うしとら」の過去の記 事から、現在読んでもなお興味深い原稿を厳選した。1.自然、2.人文社会、 3.学際の三部門に分けて、過去の記事を配置した。それぞれの記事から東北ア ジア地域がどのような変貌を遂げてきたかが垣間見られる。
Nature and Culture in Northeast Asia
Masachika SHIOTANI and Akio GOTO
Center for Northeast Asian studies celebrated the anniversary of 20 years in 2015. This book was planned as one of projects for the20th anniversary of the Center. The Book was edited from the past articles of “News Letter” and “Ushitora”. If you read each article, you can understand how the region of Northeast Asia changed in 20 years.
Nature and Culture in Northeast Asia
Masachika SHIOTANI and Akio GOTO
Center for Northeast Asian studies celebrated the anniversary of 20 years in 2015. This book was planned as one of projects for the20th anniversary of the Center. The Book was edited from the past articles of “News Letter” and “Ushitora”. If you read each article, you can understand how the region of Northeast Asia changed in 20 years.

タイトル | 地中レーダーを用いた遺跡探査-GPRの原理と応用 |
編者 | 佐藤 源之・金田 明大・高橋 一徳 |
定価 | 定価2,500円(税別)東北アジア学術読本6 |
四六判 | |
ISBN 978-4-86163-267-9 C3355 | |
196頁 | |
(2016年3月24日刊行) |
地中レーダー(Ground Penetrating Reader: GPR)は、遺跡調査において有効な活用が望める技術である。「発掘による遺跡の破壊防止」「遺跡の分布範囲の予測」「発掘できない遺跡を精密に可視化」など、地中レーダー技術の導入によって得られる成果は大きい。本書は、地中レーダーを使ったことがない、あまりうまく使えない、どう役に立つのかわからないといった初心者に対して、その技術の仕組みと効果をわかりやすく理解できるように編んだものである。工学的原理の解説と、タイプ別のレーダー計測の説明、実際の遺跡調査を具体例とした応用の仕方まで、地中レーダー技術がもたらす遺跡探査への効果を、余すところなく紹介する。
Archaeological Survey by Ground Penetrating Rader: Principle of GPR and its applications
Motoyuki SATO, Akihiro KANEDA, Kazunori TAKAHASHI eds.
Archaeological Survey by Ground Penetrating Rader: Principle of GPR and its applications
Motoyuki SATO, Akihiro KANEDA, Kazunori TAKAHASHI eds.

タイトル | 世界遺産を学ぶ ―日本の文化遺産から― |
著者 | 入間田宣夫・仲野義文・荒武賢一朗 |
定価 | 定価2,000円(税別)東北アジア学術読本5 |
四六判 | |
ISBN978-4-86163-263-1 | |
96頁 | |
(2015年12月11日刊行) |
「知っているようで、知らない世界遺産」について、日本の世界文化遺産を中心 に詳しく学ぶことができる一書である。わが国では1992年に「世界の文化遺産及 び自然遺産の保護に関する条約」を締結して以来、多くの世界文化遺産登録がな された。現在も各地では、引き続き登録を目指すものも多く、世間の注目を集め ている。それでは、世界遺産はなぜ重要で、登録されることにどんな意義がある のだろうか。「平泉―仏国土(浄土)を表す建築・庭園及び考古学的遺跡群―」( 2011年)、「石見銀山遺跡とその文化的景観」(2007年)、「日光の社寺」( 1999年)の三つの国内文化遺産を例に、歴史文化と観光商業が共存する世界遺産 の表裏を多角的に検証する。
Let's learn a world heritage : World cultural heritage of Japan
IRUMADA Nobuo, NAKANO Yoshifumi, ARATAKE Kenichiro
This book is a text which can be studied in detail focusing on a World Cultural Heritage of Japan. Japan concluded "Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage" in 1992, and registration of much world heritage is performed. In various parts of Japan, movement which aimed at registration still now is carried out. Why is world heritage important? Moreover, what kind of meaning does being registered have? This book presents world heritage for Hiraizumi, Iwami, Nikko, etc. to a model case intelligibly.
Let's learn a world heritage : World cultural heritage of Japan
IRUMADA Nobuo, NAKANO Yoshifumi, ARATAKE Kenichiro
This book is a text which can be studied in detail focusing on a World Cultural Heritage of Japan. Japan concluded "Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage" in 1992, and registration of much world heritage is performed. In various parts of Japan, movement which aimed at registration still now is carried out. Why is world heritage important? Moreover, what kind of meaning does being registered have? This book presents world heritage for Hiraizumi, Iwami, Nikko, etc. to a model case intelligibly.

タイトル | 『食と儀礼をめぐる地球の旅:先住民文化からみたシベリアとアメリカ』 |
著者 | 高倉浩樹・山口未花子(編) |
定価 | 定価2,500円(税別) 東北アジア学術読本4 |
四六判 | |
ISBN978-4-86163-250-1 | |
226頁 | |
(2014年10月30日刊行) |
Cross-cultural journey through foods and rituals: Siberia and Americas from the indigenous perspectives
TAKAKURA Hiroki, YAMAGUCHI Mikako eds.
This book is based on the symposium organized at Sendai in November 2012. Researchers who has traveled in Siberia, North America, and South America, shows the structure of the society for obtaining food, and the ritual that relate to their view of the world and religion. They revealed how to extend cultural diversity in the world based not only on modern world but on archaeological and indigenous viewpoints. It is an alternative method for understanding the world.
Cross-cultural journey through foods and rituals: Siberia and Americas from the indigenous perspectives
TAKAKURA Hiroki, YAMAGUCHI Mikako eds.
This book is based on the symposium organized at Sendai in November 2012. Researchers who has traveled in Siberia, North America, and South America, shows the structure of the society for obtaining food, and the ritual that relate to their view of the world and religion. They revealed how to extend cultural diversity in the world based not only on modern world but on archaeological and indigenous viewpoints. It is an alternative method for understanding the world.

タイトル | 『途絶する交通、孤立する地域』 |
著者 | 奥村 誠、藤原潤子、植田今日子、神谷大介 |
定価 | 定価2,310円 (税込) 東北アジア学術読本3 |
四六判 | |
ISBN978-4-86163-233-4 C3330 | |
193頁 | |
(2013年10月刊行) |
Suspended Transportation and Isolated Region
OKUMURA Makoto, FUJIWARA Junko, UEDA Kyoko, KAMIYA Daisuke
In Northeast Asia region, transportation is sometimes suspended by severe natural climate and disasters. This book introduces how human and society prepare and react against transportation suspensions and regional isolations, in several communities in a village of Arctic Siberia after the collapse of Soviet Union facing to the Global climate change, remote islands of Okinawa vulnerable to typhoon storms and high waves, and Sendai at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake. By a variety of methods anthropological field research, sociological participating observation, consideration from Infrastructure Planning viewpoint, and microeconomic analysis, researchers have revealed the multiple faces of transportation suspension and regional isolation.
Suspended Transportation and Isolated Region
OKUMURA Makoto, FUJIWARA Junko, UEDA Kyoko, KAMIYA Daisuke
In Northeast Asia region, transportation is sometimes suspended by severe natural climate and disasters. This book introduces how human and society prepare and react against transportation suspensions and regional isolations, in several communities in a village of Arctic Siberia after the collapse of Soviet Union facing to the Global climate change, remote islands of Okinawa vulnerable to typhoon storms and high waves, and Sendai at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake. By a variety of methods anthropological field research, sociological participating observation, consideration from Infrastructure Planning viewpoint, and microeconomic analysis, researchers have revealed the multiple faces of transportation suspension and regional isolation.

タイトル | 『東北アジア 大地のつながり』 |
著者 | 石渡明、磯﨑行雄 |
定価 | 定価2,100円(税込) 東北アジア学術読本2 |
四六判 | |
ISBN978-4-86163-178-8 C3344 | |
102頁 | |
(2011年12月刊行) |
Linkage of earth in Northeast Asia
Geological linkage between Japanese Islands and Korean Peninsula, Chinese Continent, and continental margin of Far East Russia is explained from global viewpoints using many maps and diagrams. Geological topics such as crust-mantle structure of the earth, history of continental drift and formation of the Japan Sea are also described with episodes of the field work. This is an account of the lectures of the same title that were given by the authors at Sendai in 2009.
Linkage of earth in Northeast Asia
Geological linkage between Japanese Islands and Korean Peninsula, Chinese Continent, and continental margin of Far East Russia is explained from global viewpoints using many maps and diagrams. Geological topics such as crust-mantle structure of the earth, history of continental drift and formation of the Japan Sea are also described with episodes of the field work. This is an account of the lectures of the same title that were given by the authors at Sendai in 2009.

タイトル | 『シベリアとアフリカの遊牧民―極北と砂漠で家畜とともに暮らす―』 |
著者 | 高倉浩樹、曽我亨 |
定価 | 2,625円(税込) 東北アジア学術読本1 |
四六判 | |
ISBN978-4-86163-177-1 C3339 | |
222頁 | |
(2011年12月刊行) |
Nomads of Siberia and Africa: Livelihoods with domestic animals in the Arctic and the Desert
TAKAKURA Hiroki and SOGA Toru
This is the handbook for the anthropology of the pastoral nomads. How human survive the harsh environment of Siberia and Africa, which is the core question of this book, describing the charm of the tradition of Eveny and Gabura peoples. Given the overall pictures in Siberia and Africa, the mechanism of technological and social livelihood of people living with reindeer and camels as livestock are ethnographically explained. They are the indigenous ethnic minorities in their countries, which lives are at the forefront of the contradictions of modern state and development such as ethnic conflicts, refugee problems, and market economy. Authors focus on these predicaments but also uncover their hopes for future.
Nomads of Siberia and Africa: Livelihoods with domestic animals in the Arctic and the Desert
TAKAKURA Hiroki and SOGA Toru
This is the handbook for the anthropology of the pastoral nomads. How human survive the harsh environment of Siberia and Africa, which is the core question of this book, describing the charm of the tradition of Eveny and Gabura peoples. Given the overall pictures in Siberia and Africa, the mechanism of technological and social livelihood of people living with reindeer and camels as livestock are ethnographically explained. They are the indigenous ethnic minorities in their countries, which lives are at the forefront of the contradictions of modern state and development such as ethnic conflicts, refugee problems, and market economy. Authors focus on these predicaments but also uncover their hopes for future.